AWTCC Expanding Business in India
1 Nov 2022 | AWTCC
Recently, Alex Sonifrank, the chambers partnerships manager, has made connections with the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) in October 2022.
India, as the world’s fastest growing economy, presently significant opportunities for exporters in the United States. The IACC is India’s bilateral US – India trade chamber of commerce focused on facilitating trade between the two countries.
Initially, Mr. Sonifrank was able to meet with the IACC offices in Varanasi to discuss trade with the region and opportunities for US exporters.
In November, the IACC formed a trade delegation to the United States with companies from all across India in attendance. The meeting was held at the Indian Embassy in New York City. Mr. Sonifrank was able to meet on behalf of AWTCC with the national chamber president Mr. Kapil Kaul. Discussion regarding partnership and opportunities was discussed and both the AWTCC and the IACC share a clear goal to expand trade between India and the United States.
Members of the AWTCC interested in expanding trade to India should contact us for contact points and assistance in connecting to business in India.