Meet the Team

Meet the talented senior team of professionals who keep AWTCC running

We are here for you.

The AWTCC team is focused on helping exporters and freight forwarders who are committed to increasing their global sales. Whether we’re supporting your digital document and legalization needs or representing our members on the global stage, AWTCC is here for you.

Meet Our Senior Team

Meet Our Senior Team

Kelli F., Administrative Specialist

Brenda Howley, Certification Officer

Yinghua Piao, Certification Specialist

Gladys S., Operations Manager

Brian Smith, Director

Alex Sonifrank, Vice President of Partnerships

Meet Our Senior Team

Kelli F., Administrative Specialist

Brenda Howley, Certification Officer

Yinghua Piao, Certification Specialist

Gladys S., Operations Manager

Brian Smith, Director

Alex Sonifrank, Vice President of Partnerships

We are growing

Our team members are our most valued asset. We seek to hire talented, passionate people who share our commitment to strengthen U.S. exports. If you want the opportunity to work with other motivated individuals and have a real impact through your work, we want to hear from you. We provide our team with the tools, resources and support they need to solve challenges and rise together. Please keep an eye out for open positions or send us your résumé at

What kind of information are you looking for?

For Exporters

Help speed your goods through Customs with our electronic Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Free Sale and Legalization services.

For Chambers of Commerce

Do some of your members have questions regarding exports? Are you unsure of how to get them started? We can help, and you’ll get all the credit!

For Freight Forwarders

Provide your shippers with the highest level of document certification services. Our electronic Certificate of Origin and Legalization services streamline your operations.

What kind of information are you looking for?

For Exporters

Help speed your goods through Customs with our electronic Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Free Sale and Legalization services.

For Chambers of Commerce

Do some of your members have questions regarding exports? Are you unsure of how to get them started? We can help, and you’ll get all the credit!

For Freight Forwarders

Provide your shippers with the highest level of document certification services. Our electronic Certificate of Origin and Legalization services streamline your operations.

What kind of information are you looking for?

For Exporters

Help speed your goods through Customs with our electronic Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Free Sale and Legalization services.

For Chambers of Commerce

Do some of your members have questions regarding exports? Are you unsure of how to get them started? We can help, and you’ll get all the credit!

For Freight Forwarders

Provide your shippers with the highest level of document certification services. Our electronic Certificate of Origin and Legalization services streamline your operations.

Online Certification System Account

Please note that you have to register your company with us before you are able to
start processing documents. There is never a fee to register or receive a login.