2 Jul 2024 | By AWTCC
The AWTCC attends SelectUSA.
The AWTCC participated in the 2024 SelectUSA conference meeting with chambers, economic partnerships, and state governments across the globe.
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2 Jul 2024 | By AWTCC
The AWTCC participated in the 2024 SelectUSA conference meeting with chambers, economic partnerships, and state governments across the globe.
15 Apr 2024 | By AWTCC
As an organization we are so proud to be partnering with Gold-Vision CRM to be able to offer all of our members 50% off of the onboarding process. A CRM will help you keep your business up to date and organize your clients in a way that optimizes productivity. Becoming a member will give you access to all chamber benefits immediately.
14 Nov 2023 | By AWTCC
Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. We have rebuilt our website to ensure our audiences are able to easily navigate. We've grouped sections to ensure you have access to the content right for you. We've also made resources easily available. The American World Trade Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping expand the US export economy. We're excited to have new tools and resources on our website to continue this mission!
3 Nov 2023 | By AWTCC
The American World Trade Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce its newest partnership and member benefit. Our collaboration with TendersPage enables us to provide members with valuable international opportunities at a discount. TendersPage is the largest public market search engine, detecting over 50,000 bids a day, in all sectors, worldwide. The service generates regular alerts based on industries and products relevant to you. Members will receive a 15% discount on an annual subscription. Members will also be able to take advantage of a free trial period and consultation to determine if the product is right for you!
28 Apr 2023 | By AWTCC
As a chamber, we are so excited to be holding in-person events and co-hosting with other chambers and partners.
9 Mar 2023 | By AWTCC
On February 27, 2023 the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce has presented CIBTvisas with the "Technology Innovation as a Provider" Award for 2022. We are so excited to be working with them and strengthening our partnership between exporting goods and personal/professional traveling documents such as visas and passports. We admire your drive to be the world leader in global mobility and be the most established travel visa company in the world. We are looking forward to expand our partnership in new innovative ways to enhance traveling and exporting goods.
27 Feb 2023 | By AWTCC
xporters who are going above and beyond to strengthen the export economy and support our mission to increase American exports.
21 Feb 2023 | By AWTCC
Our Chambers Excellence in Export Assistance award has been chosen as a category to recognize chambers that have been spreading awareness in the export community and supporting the mission to increase American exports.